How to Automatically Start Conferfly in Kiosk Mode When Mac Starts

How to Automatically Start Conferfly in Kiosk Mode When Mac Starts

Step 1: Create an Automator Application

  1. Open Automator (you can find it in the Applications folder).
  2. Select New Document.
  3. Choose Application and click Choose.
  4. In the search bar on the left, type Run Shell Script and select it.
  5. In the Run Shell Script action script input, paste the command below.
/Applications/Google\\ Chrome -kiosk
  1. Save the application (File > Save) as StartConferflyKiosk (or any name you prefer) in the Applications folder.
Save StartConferflyKiosk app in application folder

Step 2: Add the Automator Application to Startup Items

  1. Open System Settings.
  2. Search for Login items.
  3. Click the + button to add a new item.
  4. Navigate to the Applications folder, select the StartChromeKiosk application you created, and click Add.
Add StartConferflyKiosk to Login items in Settings

Step 3: Verify on Reboot

Close Chrome and all other apps, then restart your Mac to ensure that Conferfly starts in kiosk mode automatically.

If you still need assistance, please reach out to us at [email protected], and we will be happy to help you.

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